White Papers

Delivering Opportunity: How the Clean Energy Transition Can Create Millions of Jobs and Drive the 21st Century Economy


The Future of Solar Power

Solar power continues to be a relatively small portion of the energy supply of the United States with about 3.4% of the country’s power coming from the sun. But before the naysayers dismiss the industry as insignificant, let’s point out the fact that solar was under 1% just a few short years ago. In addition, some state governments have been showing the potential for wider adoption of solar, with California leading the pack. The state draws an impressive 27% of its power from the sun.

The direction and speed of change are undeniable. In fact, solar power accounted for half of all new utility power generation in 2022. I refuse to say “the future of solar is bright” because that’s hokey, but well… it’s kind of true.

Content Marketing

A Roadmap for the Industry Leading Energy Management System

… Some of the changes ahead cannot be anticipated. The world has never experienced the type of energy transition it is currently undergoing. The need for battery energy storage systems is a certainty if the world is to minimize the effects of climate change, but the world – and the market – will change around those facilities in unforeseeable ways. HybridOS has evolved to meet the needs of its clients and will continue to do so. Ongoing innovation will allow FlexGen and HybridOS to support energy generation as it responds to the challenges ahead.

Case Studies

San Diego Voice and Accent

Accent modification services